Write for us


Think and Explore is open to a wide variety of article submissions, we are entertaining writers and journalists from all genres. If you can write a good article, then you are welcome to get published. 

We are more inclined in publishing articles which show better relevancy of the UK, USA and Australia in terms of native language and theme. As a writer you have a free will to write articles based on current affairs reaching vast categories such as; business articles, finance, fashion, and more. You can visit our other categories to have a better idea of the topics we include, however; we prefer the point and right information.

How to feature an article as a guest post on Think and Explore?

We strongly believe in the diversity in writing styles and how people write, which is one of the main reasons why we accept writers who write different formats and genres. This also expands diversity and viewpoint of people about seeing a story.

It is also to note that a Guest post article is intended to drive traffic to the targeted website; if you are submitting your article as a guest post then we will help you reach a lot of new visitors. To further inquire about guest posting service you can contact us at thinkandexplore1@gmail.com

Follow these rules to submit the article for guest posting

To maintain the quality of our website and article, we have a strict policy of rules which you must keep in mind before the submission of an article. We accept articles of at least 1000 words, less than 1000 words will not be entertained. Also if the article is more than 1000 words, then we might divide it.

Try to divide your article in paragraphs, a good paragraphing is very important for good readership, and we do not want our readers to have a hard time understanding content, or mixing the ideas. About 3 to 4 lines of paragraph is easily comprehensible.

Also, we do not accept plagiarized content at all, your article will be tested through our premium tools and upon finding plagiarized content, we will simply return it until you remove the plagiarism. 

Try to be as unique as you can, as a writer if you are writing towards something new, then be expressive and be yourself. We would prefer if you write articles based on your opinion rather than rewriting what is already there.  

You submit media images in the article, or submit the files in RAR, attach those files in the email and send. Make sure your images are compressed and do not hold too much size. Image format should be only JPEG or PNG.

Choosing Think & Explore for Guest Posting

Our quality check system plays a very important role which ensures your guest post provides you as much benefit as it can. We also check the relevancy of the article before publishing, which directs the right audience to your page. 

Some of the main benefits you get from our guest posting service are;

  • Fast approval
  • The vast variety of niches
  • Top niches such as; Business, Technology, Politics, Fashion Travel, Sports,
  • Increase your ranking in Search engine
  • High domain authority
  • Get Two do-follow link juice
  • Be part of a community of active users
  • Drive traffic to your business
  • Be part of a community that has updated content

Is Backlink Important?

If you want to rank better, not only effectively but also sooner, then backlinks are the fundamental option for you. Having a high authority backlink will not only provide you with higher link juice, but also it will help you rank better. And getting traffic is another plus point which is also related to right guest posting.

On our website Think & Explore, you will get high authority backlinks, with target specific content, which help you gain a targeted audience.


Article types Advantages
Guest post Two do-follow links
Article at home page Reach your target audience 
Banners & Side bars (Monthly) Increase customers and click rate


For further information contact us or reach us on our email